What's Wrong with You??: June 2005


Monday, June 13, 2005 

The cell

the cell

One of my close friends, a non-believer, once told me "do you know why the cell group is termed a cell group? It is named as the group is expected to multiply and in so doing propagate..."

I was impressed. He even attended a few cell group meetings in another church. But yet he was not a believer. He was not impressed with what he saw or heard at the cell groups which lasted pretty much the whole day. He complained that all they did was talk about their problems, about the frustrations at school, frustrations with their siblings and family.

So when he found out that my bro and I were in the same group, he didn't think it would work as he had the conception that the purpose of the group was to let the members complain to each other about the problems in their family. So after a while, he left the group as he felt compelled to share about his problems, yet he was uncomfortable about doing so and he was not ready to listen to the other members' problems.

So he asked me what happens during our cell group meetings?

I said the usual... "worshipping God with songs, bible study, sharing..."

I paused. "The usual". Obviously I was getting too comfortable.

Have I been contributing to the growth of the cell? Or have I become dormant, quiescent or even ineffectual? Am I doing my part or have I relinquished it for whatever reason?

Too comfortable? Or simply bochap. I am honestly none the wiser.

The fellowship is great. Worshipping God together is tremendous. Praying for one another is even better.

But somehow I do not have much to contribute.

The output is a reflection of the input.

The source is ever abundant, so by sheer capillary action alone, there should be some output nonetheless. Where's the barrier? Where's the leak?

Sunday, June 05, 2005 


Brought Elijah out formally today. Kudos to Rach who managed to bring him out singlehandedly with stroller and all the barang barang in the morning. POWER!

We went to Bishan and he was hungry. So Rach had to feed him and it was my turn to demonstrate my fatherly love towards him i.e. changing his nappy after he bombed.
I was happily cleaning up the mess when I felt a warmth against my thigh. Yep I was "baptised" by him. So our adventure at Bishan had to be cut short, much to my delight. Those who know me well will know that shopping has never been one of my favourite hobbies.

So we went home and I fell asleep on the couch as usual, much to Rach's dismay...haha
Anyway we went to central later on for some groceries shopping and to grab some chow. This was our first grocery shopping and meal out with Elijah. It's quite an adventure. I finally experienced first hand what I've witnessed from Jared and Chris when we lunch out together with Faith. Phew!

So what have I attained from this first expedition other than a left De Quervain's tenosynovitis and a left carpal tunnel syndrome?

1. Babies are way more unpredictable than women
2. The stroller can be used as a trolley for loading stuff
3. Parents should either have the ability to eat fast or really enjoy cold warm food
4. Strollers are not easy to manouvere

We learn new things everyday...

Saturday, June 04, 2005 

Feeling old

Age is really catching up with me. As I move on from one phase of life to another, the increase in the number of roles I have to play start to make me realise I have moved on to become an "uncle".

Everyday when I come home and carry Elijah in my arms, I reflect about my own life. What I have done and what is going to happen from this day on. Haven't been doing much reflection for a long time. I'm more like a bouy in the ocean. Bobbing along... bob bob bob...

Everything has changed. I now qualify for Father's Day celebrations. I have moved from the category of married personnel to married with kids personnel. It's no longer just about me. When I go on call, I miss one more person in my life.

It's mind boggling. I never knew that just carrying him in my arms was so important, that I would pull myself away from doing other so-called important things just to do that at least once a day.

Only now do I understand in as much as my limited mind can fathom how God enjoys our daily walk and communion with Him, and how unappreciative and ungrateful we are, to give up this time for other so-called important things.

God misses us when we go missing.

<Not Me

About me

  • I'm Cranium
  • From Singapore
  • Cranium came into this world after 42 weeks of gestation at the hefty weight of 9 lbs 5 oz. He wanted to be a taxi-driver, then policeman, then soldier. By some strange twist of fate, he ended up as a tweaker of homosapiens. In the course of doing so, he managed to sian a primary school teacher into marrying him and now has produced 01 x offspring.

  • My profile