What's Wrong with You??: December 2004


Saturday, December 18, 2004 


So it turns out our offspring could be a boy afterall. Friday's scans showed a glimpse of the family jewels. hehe.

We are still thinking of a good name for our firstborn. Some of my suggestions have been flatly turned down by my wife. Sigh.

Had to forego a all-expenses paid drinking session on Friday. The things you do when you become a married man. Gasp! I wounder what other things i have to give up when became a Dad!

Sunday, December 12, 2004 

Back from honeymoon

Just came back from a delayed honeymoon
For a sampling of the pics that I took do check out the link below


<Not Me

About me

  • I'm Cranium
  • From Singapore
  • Cranium came into this world after 42 weeks of gestation at the hefty weight of 9 lbs 5 oz. He wanted to be a taxi-driver, then policeman, then soldier. By some strange twist of fate, he ended up as a tweaker of homosapiens. In the course of doing so, he managed to sian a primary school teacher into marrying him and now has produced 01 x offspring.

  • My profile