What's Wrong with You??: December 2005


Thursday, December 29, 2005 

The day i shared a pear with my son

This is an account of my first full-day baby-sitting experience.

0730 hrs Briefing by Rach

Move out time 0800 hrs
Exercise cut 1630 hrs

1. Cereal pre-mix
2. Hot water
3. 3 packets of frozen breast milk
4. Alphabet mats
5. Eli's toys
6. Baby Einstein CDs
7. Baby bath products


1.01 x father of Elijah

Mission objectives:

1. Minimize Eli's moodiness
2. Give Eli milk feeds(unlimited) and 1 cereal feed
3. Bathe Eli

Summary of accomplishments:

1. Constructed mini obstacle course for Eli to play
2. Used up 2 out of 3 milk feeds and 1 cereal feed with no wasted rations
3. Coaxed Eli to sleep twice. Once for 1 hr and the other for 40 minutes
4. Bathed Eli
5. Washed all equipment that was used to feed Eli
6. Washed soiled toy and reassembled toy for usage

On top of all that, I managed to share a pear with my son, the highlight of the day!

<Not Me

About me

  • I'm Cranium
  • From Singapore
  • Cranium came into this world after 42 weeks of gestation at the hefty weight of 9 lbs 5 oz. He wanted to be a taxi-driver, then policeman, then soldier. By some strange twist of fate, he ended up as a tweaker of homosapiens. In the course of doing so, he managed to sian a primary school teacher into marrying him and now has produced 01 x offspring.

  • My profile