What's Wrong with You??: August 2005


Monday, August 15, 2005 

3 month

This is my son up to the age of 12 weeks.


Friday, August 12, 2005 

Cranio-oral dissociation

The Kellie-Monroe doctrine states that the cranium is a fixed volume and the contents of which is incompressible.

I agree totally.

There is only THAT much storage space in my cerebral matter. The only word that can describe the state of my mind now is CHAOS.

It's cluttered and messed up. It's no wonder why I am having difficulty expressing my thoughts in words. It's cranio-oral dissociation.

Just today I was examining the patella and I said I was balloting the kidney... then for some strange reason during our viva sparing sessions, I can't even talk sense of p53...

D-day 23rd August...

Wednesday, August 10, 2005 

A great part of my life

I'm sitting for my surgical exams 10 days from now. I realised that after a certain age, studying gets more and more painful. It's no wonder that people say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. It simply kills the old dog.

As I approach the end of the 3rd decade of my life, I look back and realise exams form a great part of my life. I'm always having exams!!

And the best part of it all is, this exam I am taking is an entrance exam. This implies I gotta exit somewhere once I enter. Yes. There is also an exit exam....

Looks like this won't be the last time I lament about sitting for exams...

<Not Me

About me

  • I'm Cranium
  • From Singapore
  • Cranium came into this world after 42 weeks of gestation at the hefty weight of 9 lbs 5 oz. He wanted to be a taxi-driver, then policeman, then soldier. By some strange twist of fate, he ended up as a tweaker of homosapiens. In the course of doing so, he managed to sian a primary school teacher into marrying him and now has produced 01 x offspring.

  • My profile