What's Wrong with You??: July 2006


Monday, July 17, 2006 


Elijah tuning his guitar

When the strings of a guitar are too slack, they get out of tune. They no longer transmit the intended notes of the songwriter. The song gets distorted. The music turns people off. It's no longer music.

It's not easy to be in tune. The strings have to be under a certain amount of tension. There is a risk of breaking. New strings have to be tuned again and again. The process is painful but necessary.

Are we willing to allow our maker to tune us?


Tuesday, July 04, 2006 

Who's shoes?

Who's shoes?

My son. Wondering when he can fit into those shoes...

<Not Me

About me

  • I'm Cranium
  • From Singapore
  • Cranium came into this world after 42 weeks of gestation at the hefty weight of 9 lbs 5 oz. He wanted to be a taxi-driver, then policeman, then soldier. By some strange twist of fate, he ended up as a tweaker of homosapiens. In the course of doing so, he managed to sian a primary school teacher into marrying him and now has produced 01 x offspring.

  • My profile